I hate the air puff test. Do I have to do it?
Good news, probably not! Now I say probably because the type of technology to measure intraocular pressure (IOP) is no longer used nearly as frequently as in the past. Today, we have updated technology which is less invasive and startling. At Eye Boutique Houston we use a piece of equipment called the iCare tonometer. The iCare uses a tiny probe to lightly tap the very front part of your eye and measure the resistance exerted on the probe by the cornea. This allows it to calculate your eye pressure.
What?! It touches my eye? That’s worse!!
I have been personally measuring patient’s IOP with the iCare for about 15 years and I can confirm the majority of people feel significantly more comfortable with the new technique as opposed to the air puff. Some people do not feel the tap, while most others give the standard, “is that it?” response. It is easier to perform because there is no anxiety from the patient who is ready to jump back as soon as they feel it. You can continue to blink normally and the iCare will take the measurement, so quickly you will not ruin the reading.
Why do I even have to do it?
A couple reasons and we can get into them. The first reason is because of insurance rules. If you are using vision insurance, it’s very likely required for your doctor to do it for you. When optometrists get on insurance plans, the insurance will give them a list of components every exam must include. Intraocular pressure is always one of those components along with things like visual acuity and the refraction.
The other reason is the more important one because the IOP can indicate problems going on inside your eyes. The far most common pressure associated condition is glaucoma. Glaucoma is a type of condition where the pressure inside your eye is higher than can be tolerated by your optic nerve. The optic nerve carries all the signals from the eyes to the brain, kind of like an electrical cord from a socket to a lamp. If that nerve is damaged, some or all of the images that have been collected by the eye will be lost before it gets to the brain. To be sure glaucoma can be detected or stopped before it starts, IOP needs to be tested at every eye exam. If you have any history of glaucoma please be sure to let your local optometrist know so they can take any needed precautions during your eye exam.
As optometrists, we know the eye pressure test is probably the least fun part of your eye exam. Fortunately, we have better methods and technology than we did in years past. Hopefully the next time you get your eyes checked you will get to experience the new stress free techniques we have at Eye Boutique Houston.